Commercial Sewage Pump Repair
Sewage Pump Description
A sewage pump is used to remove waste water when its located below the sewer line and gravity cannot be used. In these applications the sewage is collected in a basin and sewage pumps are used to eject the sewage up to the sewer line. These fail as a result of becoming clogged or having a leaking seal or bad bearings.
We are sewage system experts and we can fix, adapt and repair your pumps.
Our trucks have temporary solutions on board to get you back up and running in the event of an emergency. It is very important when installing new pumps to understand which type of sewage pump is best for you application.
There are non-clog, vortex, and grinder pumps as well as vertical ejectors just to name a few. We are the experts and we will work with our engineers to select the perfect pump for your application to leave you worry free.
If your sewage pump needs service or you just want to get it inspected, give us a call.
We will schedule an appointment with you and have one of our expert pump technicians come out.
By the way, if you have a sewage pit you may be interested in our comprehensive pit cleaning and preventative maintenance programs.
Feel free to Call us anytime, 24/7, at (212) 981-1150.
Pro Pump Corp
707 Woodfield Rd.
West Hempstead, NY 11552
Servicing NYC & Tristate Metro Area
24/7 Emergency Services
We are here for you!
We Repair All Major Pump Brands, Including:
We Repair All Pump Brands, Including: